
1. 為培養孩子的閱讀習慣,教育部推動「小一新生閱讀起步走」(Bookstart)活動,今年入學的21萬多名小一新生,每人可以收到學校轉贈的一份「閱讀禮袋」,スーパーコピー 時計,包含:童書、親子共讀指導手冊各一本,鼓勵家長陪著孩子一起閱讀。

The Ministry of Education has initiated a Bookstart activity to cultivate local children’s reading ability and their hobby to enjoy reading more. This year,時計, more than 210,000 pupils will begin their elementary school life, and all of them will receive a ‘Gift for Reading’ sent by their school authorities on behalf of the Ministry of Education. In this gift, in which children’s books as well as a guide that leads parents and children to read together will be included. The entire scheme is to encourage the parents to read along with their children.

2. 教育部公布「100年度教育部教學卓越獎」,共有10所國中的教學團隊獲獎,展現教學的專業與熱忱,時計ブランド。教學卓越獎頒獎典禮將於9月7號舉行,當天現場公布最後獲得金質、銀質獎的教學團隊。

The Ministry of Education has announced awards for those who have excelled in the area of teaching in 2011. In total, 10 teams from junior high schools have won titles and demonstrated their professionalism as well as enthusiasm. The ceremony will be held on 7 Sep. On that day when the ceremony is held, teams winning certain awards will be announced.

3. 學校快開學了,醫師表示,開學後的學習與人際互動,都可能是學童的壓力來源,也有許多學童開學前出現焦慮、緊張導致的腸胃道疾病,父母可以在開學前一到兩個星期,開始逐漸幫孩子做好進入開學的準備。

As school is about to begin, physicians indicate after school starts,腕時計 ブランド, pupils can experience pressures which may stem from the learning activities and interpersonal relationships. Many pupils will have symptoms such as anxiety and instestinal diseases caused by stress. These physicians suggest the parents to gradually prepare the kids for schools one or two weeks prior to the time school begins (so as to mentally adjust the different lifestyle these children need to face).

4. 提昇防災教育,臺東縣消防局著手規劃設置「防災教育館」,主體建築預計在明年完成,將針對各種容易發生的災害種類、原因,採「寓教於樂」方式讓民眾將正確觀念融入日常生活當中,提昇災害的應變能力。

To boost the education on disaster prevention-related issues, Taitung County’s Fire Bureau has constructed a building that promotes concepts in relation to the disaster prevention mechanism. The main edifice is estimated to be completed next year. It will emphasize all kinds of disasters which are easy to take place. Also,ロレックス, causes of these disasters will be named through the “learning through playing” pathway to educate the local people. It is hoped these residents can apply the correct concepts into their daily life and their adaptability towards the disasters can be solidified.

5. 英國教育部統計,現在英國每天平均有兩萬四千名學童缺席,原因是跟父母出國度假去了。一年下來,腕時計,學生因為出外度假而缺席的天數,累計高達460萬天。英國教育部已經要求各級學校嚴格審查孩子的請假理由,以免犧牲孩子的學校學動和學習經驗。

In the UK, according to the statistics released by the Department of Education,ロレックスコピー, an average of 24,婚活,000 pupils are absent each day nowadays since they are on holiday abroad with their parents. The days which students are absent due to having holidays abroad have accumulated to 4.6 million days annually. The Department of Education has already requested all schools to carefully examine the students’ reasons for their absence so that their school activities and learning experiences will not be sacrificed.

(2011-08-26 09:19:01 洪秋玉)

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